Wushu EDcademy

Your one-stop Wushu learning platform.

Educate | Enrich | Evolve

To educate learners, enrich experiences and evolve methodologies.

Why Wushu EDcademy?

✔ Convenience

Learn Wushu anytime and anywhere at your own comfort.

✔ Content Variety

Access to a wide range of learning resources.

✔ Customisation

Tailor your own programme to achieve your specific goals.

✔ Connection

Be part of a global network of Wushu enthusiasts.

Revenue generated from Wushu EDcademy goes to the maintenance of this platform, development of content and supporting programmes for youths and the community.

Our Popular Courses

Routine Tutorials

Coming Soon!

5 Duan Changquan 
1st International Routine - Changquan
1st International Routine - Broadsword
4 Duan Sword
5 Duan Sword  
1st International Routine - Sword
4 Duan Spear
5 Duan Spear
1st International Routine - Spear
3 Duan Nanquan 
5 Duan Nanquan 
1st International Routine - Southern Broadsword 
1st International Routine - Southern Cudgel